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The Gospel is Only Good News If It Gets There in Time

summer flower bouquet in a basket

How true this statement is! The Gospel is undeniably the power of God for salvation and there is no other name given under heaven by which can be saved except through the name of Jesus Christ. Yet, how can people believe in Christ if they have never heard of him? How can they can hear unless people are willing to preach the Gospel to them? And how can people preach if no one is sent or willing to go? 

The majestic mountains and the flowing rivers of our fair city are undeniably beautiful, but their beauty pales in comparison with the beautiful feet of those that shine with the light of the glory of the gospel of Jesus Christ. For the splendors of heaven and earth will pass away, but a soul that has received the gospel of Jesus Christ will never pass away, but will enter the gates of glory and dwell in the presence of God forever. 

Friends, our time on earth is short to reap precious souls for our Master, so let us be diligent to labour for the Lord who redeemed our lives from the pit and has commissioned us to be his royal ambassadors of eternal hope to a dying world. Let us experience the joy that Jesus spoke of when he said, "It is more blessed to give than to receive." 

Article by: Samuel Chua

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