Jesus Christ, the pure and lowly,
Walking in the market-place,
Passing through the vast throng slowly,
With compassion on His face,
Touched the leper with His healing.
This was all He chose to say —
Deeds, not words, His strength revealing-
"Tell no man, but go thy way."
Then another came, beseeching:
"Lord, my servant lieth ill;
Thy great power is so far-reaching,
Thy word alone can do Thy will"
Now the crowd began to ponder,
Questioning: "What will He say?"
Jesus checked their idle wonder
With "Have faith," and "Go thy way."
Onward then, dear Christian soldier,
This the charge He gives to thee;
Let each victory make you bolder,
As His glorious power you see.
Pray for faith from hour to hour;
Do thy duty day by day;
For this service He gives power;
Trust in God, and "Go thy way."
Annie E. Preston
The Christian Treasury