This past weekend we celebrated the greatest story ever, the story of Jesus’ crucifixion and resurrection. This story has it all: love, betrayal, loyalty, jealousy, violence, grief, sorrow, courage, sacrifice, suspense, injustice, confusion, anger, despair, fear, and glorious joy. These feelings are on display in the lives of those who are in the story. None are innocent except for One. Some characters fumble their way through their parts as best they can. Others move forward with evil intent, with murder in their hearts. Some are drawn into it quite apart from their own intention. Others are there to do a job, while still others are there to watch the spectacle.
The central character though, Jesus, is the One who gives movement to the story. Without him there is no story. He says little but does the most. He alone is innocent. He suffers the most, he loves the most, he forgives the most, and he glorifies God the most. And in doing so he accomplishes the most. This is no ordinary story for it is cosmic and eternal in its scope and has the power to change all other stories.
As followers of Jesus, we are witnesses to the power of Jesus’ story to change our lives and our future. We know what it was like to live lives that were empty of meaning, of having little purpose, of even doubting our own worth. At some point in our own story, we encountered Jesus, heard his story, and by grace and faith have been written into it. And now we have been given supporting roles. Jesus still remains the primary character of this story and it is he that moves the story ahead but now he has given us the privilege of sharing his story with others. Many have yet to hear the story of Jesus. Sure, they know about Christmas and Easter, but they have not heard from one who is actually a witness of God’s power to bring salvation to a life that has been ruined by sin, and thereby robbed of true life.
In these days of an enduring pandemic, people need to hear good news. We have that good news, and it is found in Jesus’ story. Too often we remain silent about how Jesus’ story changed us and brought us into the greatest story ever. The Easter celebration is over for another year, but you can know the joy of telling that story all year long. And you can do it in response to the One who said, “you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.” The only question that remains is, “To whom will you be a witness to the greatest story ever?”
Article by: Hamish Buntain