The prophets had foretold of it— The promised child to come, The mighty God from heaven’s heights, the Father’s only Son,
The Prince of Peace and Counsellor, Who wields the Shepherd’s rod, The everlasting father King, Who bears the name of God.
With wisdom great and shoulders strong, The government he’ll bear, The wicked he will strike and crush, But poor ones tend with care.
He’ll judge not with the eyes of men, Nor turn a biased ear, But rule in godly righteousness, And drive out strife and fear.
Then wolf shall lie with gentle lamb, And lion dine on straw, The child shall play in vipers’ dens, And stroke the leopard’s maw.
As waters fill the shining seas, From hill to valley fjord, The earth shall ring and echo with, The knowledge of the Lord
But no one thought that God would hatch, A plan so great yet wild, To limit and incarnate as, A tiny helpless child.
Article by: Samuel Chua